The last time that I took Luke to get his hair cut, Derek was upset that I had allowed them to cut his hair too short. My response was that Derek should take him the next time.
Well, he has been overdue for quite some time, so I asked Derek to take him soon. Derek said that he was planning on it, and was thinking about just doing it himself at home. Imagine my surprise upon getting out of the shower to have an adorable three-year-old voice tell me t

hrough the door, "Mom, I have a surprise for you!" When I opened the door, I saw the results of Luke's new haircut. My husband took the clippers to Luke, whose only complaint was, "No! We're supposed to go to the hair cut place!"
He still looks cute, but boy does he look different.
Was Luke happy with his hair cut? He wasn't upset was he? And you were saying that Derek thought they cut it too short! Oh men. It looks cute though! I like short hair. Very summery of him!
He was fine with the cut - and especially thrilled with the extra attention he got about it at daycare. All the ladies were mad at ME, though.
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