So, D had to leave town on a business trip, and quite subtly commandeered my Acura to do so. This is a long-running thing…he is quite a tidy man, but I have never seen messier vehicles than his.

See, at home, I am truly the messy one, but I suppose that something about the enclosed space of a car really gets to me. In addition, when I am forced to drive his truck, I invariably run into someone in a parking lot or unexpectedly give someone a ride, so I have taken to cleaning out the clutter into laundry baskets.

Today, I decided that I was really going to do it right. I actually went to AutoZone and got supplies to detail the truck after researching online the best products to use. Three kids in tow, we returned home where cleaning commenced. Amelia was so excited at the prospect!

She volunteered to spray the hose and we got the job done.
Really, though, it wasn’t that hard…the stuff sprayed on and hosed off…conditioner for the trim wiped on easy as pie…why doesn’t this happen more often? Sure,
I got a bit sunburned during the brief time I was outside, but that’s a completely separate stupidity. Why do the details and minutia of being clean and organized seem so daunting at the outset? Uh, oh. It seems that I have run out of excuses.