Amelia finished her first year of Girl Scouts this week. She earned the center and each of the petals on the front of her vest throughout the year. The center represents memorizing the Girl Scout Promise, and each petal represents a character trait from the Girl Scout Law (honest and fair, respectful to authority, a sister to every girl scout, and so on). She also received her Membership Star (under the numbers) for her year of service.
On the back of her vest, she has patches for the fun activities she did this year.

She marched in a parade at the Dell Diamond (home of the minor league team Round Rock Express), went to camp, used science and technology to design her own t-shirt and make her own lotion, and participated in the tradition Girl Scout Thinking Day and Daisy Fun Day, among other things. She has one more to add for the Daddy/Daughter Bowling day.
She has one more year as a Daisy before she bridges to Brownies. We have both had a blast with all of the things she has done this year, and she made a slew of friends. She can't wait for first grade to begin in the fall.