Luke's school held pony races. I put together the pony the night before, even though I had known it was coming up for several days. While I was sewing, Luke kept just barely sticking his tongue out of his mouth. When I asked him what he was doing, he replied, "I'm an anteater." My friend who was visiting and I absolutely cracked up.
The same friend teased me that of course I had to make his pony instead of just buying one at a store. Honestly, the though

t never even occured to me, although it probably would have been less of a headache. Also, Luke's pony probably would have looked more like a pony and less like an anteater (and as you can plainly see in the photo, it obviously does). I think he had fun with it, though.
Did they sing the song? Pony boy, pony boy, won't you be my pony boy, don't say no, here we go, out across the plain, gideeup, gideeup, gideeup, whoaaa, my pony boy? My dad totally used to sing that to me and bounced me on his legs! Good times!
This friend you mentioned only teased out of jealousy because she isn't creative enough to make her own pony....nor does she have the time or patience. I think the anteater pony that we conspired on was absolutely FANTASTIC!
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